Suits you sir!

Social Suicide Yellow Suit

I‘ve a couple of weddings coming up on the next 2 weekends and I just realised that my suit looked a bit stupid on me after losing a few stone walking the CDT… Not to worry, I’m mates Simon & Tig (Social Suicide) make, in my opinion the most interesting suits around. Each one generally tries to do something that has never been done before and chock full of random features and functions that you wouldn’t usually expect from a suit such as their specially designed ‘Razzle’ pocket ;)

Ideally I would of like an orange suit, but I was quite taken by this bright yellow one. One of the wedding’s is my mate El, who I do all the branding for. I think it’ll be quite funny that I’ll be on brand at the wedding!

I got a bit carried away with poses this morning when I got Nicky to take the picture, rest on my Flickr, I really like the jumping shot, but too gay to actually post here.

Also you ladies, they’ve started a women’s line of suits (by Christy), not on the website, but I saw some down in their store.

Chat up lines for Web Designers

20 Cheesiest Pick-up Lines to Use on Web Designers

I was emailed (cheers Greeny) this list of cheesey chat up lines to use on web designers, made me laugh. Not sure where it originated from, possibly here, feel free to add your own in the comments ;)

  1. I wish I had an Eyedropper to capture the color of your eyes.
  2. Has anybody ever told you that your teeth have perfect kerning?
  3. If you were a logo, it would be for a really premium brand.
  4. I’m just like a global nav; I love to be on top.
  5. Come back to my place and I’ll show you a really naughty way to fill up some negative space.
  6. Would you like to lorem ipsum dolor sit on my lap?
  7. If I went to a stock photography site and typed in the keyword: “sexy”, I bet there’d be a picture of you.
  8. I couldn’t help but notice your eye path went right to my smudge stick.
  9. First I think I’ll stroke your curve, then I’d like to fill you.
  10. Is that Content Aware Scaling or are you just happy to see me?
  11. You look perfectly put together. Do you display this well in IE?
  12. I like my fonts sans-serif, and you sans-pants.
  13. You know the hotkey to my Magic Wand Tool
  14. I dig your look and feel.
  15. If you like what you see now, wait’ll you look below the fold.
  16. Let’s “Skip Intro” and just go find a hotel room right now.
  17. When I serve you breakfast in bed tomorrow, would you like your coffee with cream and sugar, or do you prefer it #000000?
  18. Do you want to touch my Bézier curves?
  19. What if I told you the fly on my troussers opens quicker than a 500k JPEG file?
  20. Mind if I take you for a usability test?

Update: I did some desktops of my favourites here »



Tofdru - cut & paste collage artist

Stumbled across the portfolio of Tofdru on Cargo today, it made my day, no shit made my year, this guys work is awesome. I didn’t think I’d see the day when a cut & paste collage artist would top Terry Gilliam, but I think he has. Can’t find out much about him other than he must own crap load of vintage magazines, I suspect he’s French, but his info page is in Japanese?

Update: Yeah he’s probably French, my Japanese friend says he must have used translation software, grammer is all over the place and it doesn’t make sense…

Also here’s his Flickr.


Gridplane - Infographic

I was searching the web for infographic inspiration yesterday and stumbled across the work of JD Hooge on his site Gridplane. All his work is top notch, but I was particularly taken by his Data Visualisation project for Google. It’s just designs, no link to a working product, but hopefully Google will release to soon, looks great.

As soon as I saw his name, the first thing that came to mind was a pixel font I used to like back in the day – Hooge. Had a quick check and I reckon it was indeed named after him, as it seem Hooge and the maker, Craig Kroeger founded a studio together.

LetterCult – Custom Letters

Richard Perez

Holy shit, LetterCult have posted probably the most inspiring post(s) I’ve seen in a long while – Part 1 & Part 2. Featuring the best Custom Letters (built from scratch, not customised) of 2009. Been spending too much time today searching out the different people’s sites (annoyingly they don’t provide links), wait a sec, here’s a page with the links (cheers Francine).

There’s some familiar faces that I’ve blogged about before, so I’ll highlight a few favourites by people new to me:

Esther Aarts:

Esther Aarts

Esther’s got a nice freehand retro style, her Illustrations are great too, might do a seperate post about them.

Jessica Hische:

Jessica Hische

I’ve actually seen Jessica’s stuff before but never got round to posting it, lovely playful type treatments abound. Check out her blog here and she’s just released her first typeface here.

Richard Perez:

Richard Perez

This guys works is fucking awesome, a mix of illustration, design and typography and a real mix of different styles. The image at the top of this post is by Richard too.

Linzie Hunter:

Linzie Hunter

Her Spam Project cracks me up, plenty more great work where that came from too.

Via: Yewknee.