As a replacement for the usual on-trail margaritas, this holiday we’re going for the more alpine – Mulled Wine :) We carry those tea bags with all the spices in and just pick up cheap plonk as we go. I got this handy wine preserver bag by Platypus for storing evening leftovers for lunchtime treats.
Search Results for: margarita
Margaritas at camp
We celebrated with a margarita on top
Margarita Contest!
A while back when we were in Grants we had a go at trying to create to perfect Mountain/Sports Margarita using only Dehydrated fruit powered drink and neat Tequila . It actually produced results far better than we were expecting! All but the Kool-Aid were quite drinkable and the Replenish wasn’t actually far off the mark!
We even had a suggestion from a Mexican chap about Squirt , another possible mixer. Got us thinking that there’s probably loads of great powdered stuff out there that we could add to tequila! But it’s hard for us to get our hands on a variety of stuff while on trail… So we thought…
Competition Time!
To be honest this isn’t the most thought out or thrilling contest ever created, but if you want to take part here are the rules:
1. You have to post us some fruity flavoured powdered drink to the address at the bottom of this post.
2. It needs to get there by the 13th of June , so bare that in mind if post from outside the US!
3. We will make up one mug (3rd of a pint?) of each submitted flavour with tequila and drink it between us on the evening we get into town. Remember the more varieties you send us the more hammered we’re going to get!
4. Don’t worry, we’ll buy all the expensive Tequila (but if you posted us a bottle we would drink it too).
5. We’ll pick a winner in the early hours and probably be ill for the next few days and blog all about it.
The Prize:
Well we don’t have anything on us that we can give away at the moment… But we’ll be spending the next 10 days thinking and looking for the perfect prize! It might be a fascinating rock we come across, it might be something artistic and functional that we manage to bodge together, it might be a whole stack of Tequila! Maybe the final drink will ultimately be named after you and you’ll be immortalised for ever in cocktail manuals around the world… Who knows, but make sure to include a return address so that we can post whatever it is out to the winner.
Here’s the address:
Simon Cook & Paul Hayton
C/O General Delivery
US Post Office
250 Hot Springs Road
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Please hold for CDT hiker, ETA: 13th June 2008
Margaritas on ice
Dehydrated Margaritas so far…
We’re trying to discover the perfect sports margarita by combining powdered lemon & lime drinks with neat Tequila. It may take a while to find the perfect match, but here are the results so far.
#1The Replenish wasn’t too bad, this is our favourite so far, it does taste pretty much like a Margarita and has added electrolytes to boot!
#2The Country time was ok, we could happily drink it, but perhaps lacked the lime kick of the Replenish.
#3The Cool-Aid was pretty grim… Beside the fact that it’s bright green, just tasted like a cup of chemicals.
Mountain Margaritas
I‘ve been day dreaming about this for a few day… we sometimes drink various powered sports drinks which are generally lemon and lime flavoured to replace lost minerals etc and to liven up plain old water.
I reckon there must be a powdered drink out there that when added to a mug of Tequila wouldn’t be far off tasting like a Margarita?
We usually carry whiskey to add to our coffee on an evening, but I reckon we could be onto a winner with a midday Mountain Margarita drink, when we hit Colorado there’ll even be plenty of ice on hand too ;)
Above is all the options I could find at the supermarket in Grants: Kool-Aid, Country Time Lemonade and Replenish sports drink. I’m going to stick some tequilla in and let you know how it goes!
Margarita #3
Margarita #2
Margarita #1