Finished editing the video of me and my brother walking across the Alps from Lake Geneva to Nice along the GR5. If you haven’t got half an hour to spare, here’s the 2.5 min highlights version.
At the time we booked our plane tickets we didn’t realise that the Alps had received it’s biggest snowfall in the past 50 years over winter… So even though it was early summer (June), it felt more like spring! Progress was slow through the deep snow on the passes and we had to make a few detours for safety. In the end we didn’t make it all the way to Nice before our 20 days ran out, we stopped a few days short at Saint-Étienne-de-Tinée. But we had a great time, the scenery was fantastic and we pretty much had the whole Alps to ourselves, which is a rare treat these days.
You can see the photo set of the trip here »