Protest party update

Well I’ve just about recovered now… The protest party when down a storm in London over the weekend, and we all got back home safe and sound. Well apart from my flatmate Alex who failed to bung the bouncer £20 to get into the warehouse party at the end of the evening and a got punch in the eye! Looking pretty swallon at the moment, it’s going to be a cracking colour in a couple of days time! Serves him right really…

Well anyhow those of your who know me, know that me and my brother have a tradition of keeping a book for each other birthday’s. They go all the way back to our 18th when we started trying to drink our age in one day in between opening and closing times, hence the need for a book to keep count. It’s easier nowadays because pubs are open 11 to 11, but back in the day they still closed in the afternoon, so drinking time was at a premium. This continued to our 21st’s when I over ambitiously set the target of doing 21 pints, 20 marshmellows in the mouth, 19 bags of cheesy quavers, 18 somethings. 17 something else’s.. etc. Least to say after that day it couldn’t be bettered so we gave up on the age thing. But we did continue to drink all day on each others birthdays and record the events in little books. We’ve both got piles of them now and they are very amusing to look back on.

Here are a few highlights from this year’s birthday book:


11.00am, Champayne (cheers Nico!) at Unit 2

1.30pm, Amstel at The Clarence

2.30pm, Kronenburg at The Hand & Racket

3.25pm, Stella at The Ship & Shovel

3.55pm, Talisker Whiskey (double – cheers Gi!) at The Ship & Shovel

4.45pm, 2x Caipirinhas at Iguanas

5.55pm, Stella at The Anchor

6.30pm, Stella at The Anchor

7.50pm, Kronenberg at Shish

8.30pm, Kronenberg at Shish

9.15pm, Kronenberg at Shish

10.00pm, Saigon Beer at Cay Tre

10pm was the last drink entry, but I didn’t make it home until 4am so needless to say there was some missing here…

Favourite comment from the book:

4.55pm We’ve travelled back in time, to save an ancient species from total annihilation. 22 Caipirinhas @ Iguanas. Latin life. Thunder. Clouds. Lovely. It tastes like Ribena. (uncredited)

Well anyhow, on to the pictures! Below is a selection, you can see more in my Flickr set here.

Protest Party London

Protest Party!

Free Love and less expensive beer

Some people think I’ve already had my birthday? Well last weekend was my 29 years 11 months and 3 weeks party, Saturday the 10th is my 30th! Here’s the plan:

10am at Unit 2, Shoreditch

Fancy dress ‘Protest’ Pub Crawl through London
The idea is to come as if you were protesting your own ridiculous, made-up cause, with billboards, chants, banners, and appropriate costume if needed. We’ll meet at my place and fortify ourselves for the day ahead with cups of tea and bacon butties. 10.30 head into town. The route was going to start at Big Ben, but we’ve just found out that there’s now a ‘no protest zone’ around the Houses of Parliment.

London no protest zone

So instead we’re going to start the protest outside Buckingham Palace at 11am. Once we get moved on by the police we’ll settle in a nearby pub until 1pm, where we’ll all be protesting outside Trafalgar Square, or more likely on top of the lions. Then we’ll head down to the Thames for a nice stroll along the thames via a few fine beer emporiums. Next port of call is Cutty Sark for a bit of pirate action at about 3pm. Once we’ve had our fill of rum we’ll be at Tower Bridge by 4pm and very soon after the Tower of London. 5pm up to the City, maybe have a quick protest and a long drink by the Bank of England. Finally back up to Shoreditch. If you can’t drag your arse out of bed for the 11am start you can add me or Ant as a friend for twitter progress updates (you’ll have to turn up mobile updates). Or call me on my phone 07974143355.

from 6pm

Loungey-Bar thing
Shish on Old Street – the bar downstairs, not the restaurant
This bar is a bit too clean for my liking, but I’m teaming up with some other 10th of Feb birthday boys so I don’t have to organise anything. We can meet up with stragglers, hang out, chat and drink. Should pretty much have the place to ourselves.

from 11pm

Discotheque Dancing
Bugged Out present 2manyDJs (and a bunch of other DJs) in a warehouse on Hearn street, EC2A things will get quite gross from here on in. The little record shop just off Brick Lane have still got a few tickets left: City 16 Records, Cheshire Sreet.

Looking forward to posting a few pictures of it next week! 

Surprise Birthday Party!

Cookie's Surprise Birthday Invite

My housemates threw a surprise birthday party for me last Saturday (3rd of Feb) It was so nice of them and I apprieciated it very much! Think it was a real nightmare for them though, as I’d split up with Dude, my girlfriend on Friday. I think it was her job to keep me away until the appropriate time on Sat, but as it happened I turned up on Friday with a taxi cab full of stuff from my recent eviction. El , Sachi and Josie did an amazing job of keeping me occupied all day Saturday, and away from the house until 9pm when the party kicked off. Had a great night, went to the Russian bar at 4 in the morning… can’t remember much after that.
Sachi made some lovely invites for the party, which I was sent afterwards:

Cookie's Surprise Birthday Invite

My brother’s got a load of photos which he hasn’t sent me yet, but here’s a couple from Dom:

Cookie's Surprise Party 2007