Knotty’s Wedding

draft excluder snakes

Client: Knotty & Kate

This is the wedding present me and Nicky made for Andrew & Kate. Basically just a couple of basic snake draft excluders, but tied together in a love/friendship knot (their surname is Knott!). I also designed their wedding invite that used a load of Australian (where Knotty’s from) flora & fauna twisted together to make a similar knot.

wedding invite

Knotted Draft Excluders

Knotted snake draft excluders

It was Knotty & Kate’s wedding a couple of weeks back, me and Nicky have been a bit slow at getting the wedding present finished though… But at last it was handed over today, and here it is – a couple of draft excluders! It makes a bit more sense when you see the invite I designed for them below, Knott’s their surname, tying the Knot, I kind of think it’s sweet.

Tying the knot wedding invite

Roome Consulting, New Site

Cartoon badger yellow bushes shaped like a heart

Need a new Job?

Well there’s no better place (if you live in London) to look than Roome Consulting. Not least because I designed the website, but because Eleanor’s the best in the business. I should know she’s found me all my jobs and was my housemate for many years. Here at POKE we don’t use anyone else for recruitment (well not much). So if you’re thinking about stretching your legs, head over and see if there’s any jobs posted that catch you eye. Or just get in touch for a chat. Be sure to tell your friends too!

Well anyhow it feels good to get this site finally live, it’s probably been knocking about for a couple of years now… You know how it is when you do work for mates and have no concrete deadlines. Built brilliantly by Mattias, it is actually the first project completed (and possibly the last..) by my company Made in ENGLAND by Gentlemen. Hope you like it, I think it’s rather nice:

Preview of Roome consulting homepage


Crying + Wanking = Cranking

Someone at work came across the phrase Cranking the other day, a word to describe crying and wanking simultaneously. Obviously we loved it, and have been using it in conversation as much as possible, i.e:

“Where’s Kester today? He’s on holiday, probably in his shed cranking

So with much amusement I received this link today – Ready everyone? Get Cranking. Apparently there’s a song that’s spent seven weeks at the top of the US chart called Crank That. It’s got it’s own dance called crank that see YouTube clip. This quote just cracks me up:

“One of the most impressive YouTube mass Cranks is performed by hundreds of people in a packed Surrey nightclub.”

It’s officially released in Britain on December 17, making it a serious contender for Christmas No 1. If it does make it, I think I might have a little Crank myself.