Cutting onions does make me cry (sometimes)

Cutting onions

I‘m not entirely sure who made this image, which is a shame because it’s beautiful and cutting out those letters from curved onion layers must of been a right pain in the arse and does deserve recognition… Anyhow I found it ShareSomeCandy which was via and then via. Does anyone know how to find/extract the Flickr user from this URL?

While on the subject… check out this hilarious article from The Onion.

Update: Cheers Tom & Bibi, here’s the original, looks like it’s by stereomind.

Modern Drunkard

Modern Drunkard

You don’t get many literary recommendations from me, but this is one publication that no one should be without – The Modern Drunkard by Frank Kelly Rich is a collection of the best bits from his bi-monthly periodical of the same name. Together they form a comprehensive and instructive manual on how to drink-and how to do it well.

Check out the Modern Drunkard site to get a feel for what you can expect from the book. Be sure to read 40 things everything a drunkard should do, as Frank puts it –a man is, ultimately, the sum of his accomplishments. And or course the 86 Rules of Boozing, with such gems as “If there is ever any confusion, the fuller beer is yours” and “If you have been roommates with someone more than six months, you may drink all their beer, even if it’s hidden, as long as you leave them one”. Good work Frank.



I‘ve never really been a music video junkie, so the core idea behind HubsTVcreating your own music video channel and sharing with your mates the stuff you’re watching – passes me by really. But what does really get me excited is that blue hand, blimey isn’t it awesome? It’s that raised little finger that does it for me. The interface (and hand) was crafted by the consistantly amazing Rinzen and the site was developed by Adam Johnson.

Sticky Screen

Sticky Screen

To be honest I’m not the sort of person that plasters post-it notes all over the sides of my monitor, I either remember something or I don’t… But I stumbled across this Sticky Screen web application and have had second thoughts. It’s so bloody effortlessly easy to use, not a single button in sight, quite frankly this is so brilliant I can’t believe it hasn’t been done before. I’ve set it as my homepage and hopefully I’ll be a little more organised in the future.

Built by Jack Cheng a 25 year old art director/copy writer who’s just jacked in his job and setting up on his own. Check out his blog, it’s chock full of a lot of great thinking.

Via: yewknee


Ah crap… my new years resolution was going to be at least one post a day, one week in and I haven’t blogged nothin’… I can’t be arsed boring you with the reasons why, but hopefully next Monday I’ll be back in action :)