First town – Lordsburg

Cookie & Paul drinking beer

We made it to our first town :) we’re now rested, re-supplied, drunk and ready for the next section to Silver City. Our solar panel is pretty much buggered, so we might have trouble keeping the blog updated until we can get a new one, but we’re working on it!

Mexican Boarder to Lordsburg

Bloody hell this stage was tough and our feet are battered! A word of warning, never buy shoes online without trying them on first!

This was a harsh section to break us in not solely because of the 20 miles a day but more the hostile terrain and desolate environment. We either walked on tracks that were uneven and rocky under foot or bushwhacked through shrubs that tear your legs to shreds. The Landscape was barren with little or no respite from the baking sun and no sign of running water. Restocking our water was a constant gamble as we relied on the few cattle troughs on the trail of which many were dry. We ran out of water on a few occasions and if it were not for Sam Hughes water cache it would have been more often. We did however fight on with blisters weeping knowing that a steak dinner, a few bottles of beer and what turned out to be a full bottle of tequila would reward our efforts.

I entered Lordsburg with with the tune on repeat in my head “Things can only get better” – Paul.

Solar panel troubles

solar panel

Our Brunton solar panel which has for past year kept me effortlessly powered up on my walking trips, has unfortunely developed a fault… We spent most of our rest day yesterday trying to get it working again, we even took it to a pissed up old car starter and alternator mechanic to test the power output at various points. In the end the solution we came up with (by accident) was to half roll it up and put a shoe on it! I don’t know why that works, but it does.

Obviously not the most reliably solution, so we’re looking into somehow getting a new one out to us on route.

First fellow CDT hiker


Today we met Gottago aka Linda Jeffers, her hiking companion was having trouble with her feet and dropped out at Lordsburg. So Linda’s taking advantage of mine and Paul’s excellent navigation skills and tagging along with us for the time being.

We’ve only been walking together one morning so far and we’ve already got her lost twice! She’s already hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, so is full of loads of top tips and advice for me and Paul.

Burro Peak

Burro Peak

Here’s me & Paul on top of our first peak of the CDT! Burro peak is only a tiddler at just over 8000ft, but it was the first real climb we’d had to do so far and it felt fairly tough!

Mud Springs

Mud Springs

Quite a mile stone for us is this – First naturally running surface water since the Mexican boarder! Although I wouldn’t say running, more of a slow drip really.

Silver City

Silver City Limits

We’ve just arrived at Silver City. Had to hike 10 miles down a tarmac road to get here though… My feet are killing! Met a trail angel (through Gottogo) called Jim who gave us a ride out of town to a hotel, as the old Palace Hotel in the centre of town was full. Been busy buying food and supplies this afternoon, we’re just about to head out for a big steak now though :)

Broken Feet

Cookies broken feet

Idon’t think my feet have ever been so broken on any other walk I’ve ever been on… Don’t know wether it’s the lack of soft grassy surfaces, the heat, or the shoes I bought online without trying on! But I’ve got some new insoles from Hike & Bike in town, hopefully their going to relieve some of the pounding.