Recovering Lazyholics Reminders

Recovering Lazyholics Reminders

I‘m loving these cut out reminders that Lazyholic has made. Reminds me of something similar I used to do at university with pictures of Clint Eastwood reminding me to do stuff, but much less weird.. I think Nicky might come home today to find our house covered in something similar, I’m definitely feeling the lazy bug at the moment.

You should also check out her blog & Flickr, all full of good stuff.

Via: How Magazine.


Massive water slide, big arse ramp, you think this is going to be good, but actually it’s fucking amazing. What a stunt! More info, if you can read German here »

Cheers the link Nicky.

Drinking Jumpers

Beer / Drinking Jumpers

When my brother was out for an all day session (usually our birthdays) he used to wear his “Drinking Jumper” a bizarre comfort blanket that would increase drinking capacity and protect him from vomiting all over it. To be honest I can’t say that it didn’t work, he’s the heaviest and most civilised drinker I know. He wore a tattered old Marks & Sparks affair, But this 70’s collection are proper drinking jumpers!

Take note booze related branding dudes out there – If you make us some god awful jumpers just in time for Christmas, I promise you, we will buy them by the truck load! I’ll even help you design them myself, come on these need a come back ;)

Via: Art Brut(e) | Also almost worthy of a post on it’s own – tache rape-shave reference.

Weekly Desktops Part 43


I thought I might as well make a few quick desktops out of the graphic I made for the previous post. Here are 4 of my favourite designer chat up lines:

You know the hotkey to my Magic Wand Tool – Get this desktop here »

I’m just like a global nav; I love to be on top.

I’m just like a global nav; I love to be on top. – Get this desktop here »

If you like what you see now, wait’ll you look below the fold.

If you like what you see now, wait’ll you look below the fold – Get this desktop here »

Come back to my place and I’ll show you a really naughty way to fill up some negative space.

Come back to my place and I’ll show you a really naughty way to fill up some negative space – Get this desktop here »

See all my Weekly Destops here »

Chat up lines for Web Designers

20 Cheesiest Pick-up Lines to Use on Web Designers

I was emailed (cheers Greeny) this list of cheesey chat up lines to use on web designers, made me laugh. Not sure where it originated from, possibly here, feel free to add your own in the comments ;)

  1. I wish I had an Eyedropper to capture the color of your eyes.
  2. Has anybody ever told you that your teeth have perfect kerning?
  3. If you were a logo, it would be for a really premium brand.
  4. I’m just like a global nav; I love to be on top.
  5. Come back to my place and I’ll show you a really naughty way to fill up some negative space.
  6. Would you like to lorem ipsum dolor sit on my lap?
  7. If I went to a stock photography site and typed in the keyword: “sexy”, I bet there’d be a picture of you.
  8. I couldn’t help but notice your eye path went right to my smudge stick.
  9. First I think I’ll stroke your curve, then I’d like to fill you.
  10. Is that Content Aware Scaling or are you just happy to see me?
  11. You look perfectly put together. Do you display this well in IE?
  12. I like my fonts sans-serif, and you sans-pants.
  13. You know the hotkey to my Magic Wand Tool
  14. I dig your look and feel.
  15. If you like what you see now, wait’ll you look below the fold.
  16. Let’s “Skip Intro” and just go find a hotel room right now.
  17. When I serve you breakfast in bed tomorrow, would you like your coffee with cream and sugar, or do you prefer it #000000?
  18. Do you want to touch my Bézier curves?
  19. What if I told you the fly on my troussers opens quicker than a 500k JPEG file?
  20. Mind if I take you for a usability test?

Update: I did some desktops of my favourites here »


Obama Naked with Unicorns..

Obama Naked with Unicorns

This is one of the weirdest things I’ve seen in a while.. by an equally strange artist called The Painter of Pancakes. He says he started painting after “I had something of a mental and spiritual breakdown”, makes sense, and he also adds “My paintings sometimes horrify my family”. Well I say good work, they put a smile on my face, check out all his Naked Obama’s with Unicorns here »

Some other links:

Bizarre video of him here.

Check out his paintings for sale on eBay.

Cheers for the link Nicky | Via: WildAmmo.