
We’ve been up on the divide all day and there’s not a drop of water up here. We filled up everything we have, which is 6.5 litres, at the begining of the day. Was a pain in the arse to carry… But still we were dry as a bone by the time we got to Rodgers Pass and finally some H2O.

No blog updates for a while

Our next section of the CDT starts to get a bit wilder and more remote, it takes us through Scapegoat and Bob Marshall wilderness. I don’t think we’ll be passing any wireless networks to upload new posts, so the next update will be in about 12 days when we get to East Glacier.

Kum and Go

No need for pillow talk at this place ;) At least they had the sense to spell it with a ‘K’.

Pretty easy day

The walking has been pretty easy over the last few days, we’ve been nailing 25+ miles a day without breaking into a sweat. Today we only have 20 miles to MacDonald Pass and a hitch into Helena, should have a beer in our hands by 4pm :)

Up on the divide near Blizzard Hill

Just before this shot was taken we met our first hunters who’d actually bagged something, was only a grouse though. It’s now gun hunting season here in the states, so we’re hearing a lot more rifle fire in the distance, sometimes even machine guns, which doesn’t seem very sporting. Thankfully no bullets have zipped through the woods near us yet, you may notice that paul has lashed an orange vest to the back of his rucksack to make him look less like an Elk!