Paintings in Progress

half finished painting in my bedroom

Thought I’d post a quick work in progress of what I’m up to at the moment, sorry the photos are shit… I’m currently in the middle of producing (with Nicky’s help too) a series of paintings to decorate the walls of Roome Consulting’s new office, they’re based on the work I did on Eleanor’s website. My bedroom is bursting at the seems with these 1 metre by 1 metre canvas’s, but they should look good, and very yellow!

Incidently a few people have asked me where I got the canvas’s from. I got they from Discount Art, who sell a box of 10 for £125 (reduced from £329) £12.50 each is pretty good value.

London Underground Posters

Rugby at Twickenham by tram london transport posterMy mum and dad have this poster at home, it right out side my bedroom and I’ve always loved it. A friend just asked if I knew where she could get it, I did a quick search and it turns out it’s a London Transport Museum poster by Laura Knight, only a tenner too.

They’ve got a load of other great rugby posters, and much much more. Really nice collection of vintage design and illustration.