I‘m not entirely sure who made this image, which is a shame because it’s beautiful and cutting out those letters from curved onion layers must of been a right pain in the arse and does deserve recognition… Anyhow I found it ShareSomeCandy which was via and then via. Does anyone know how to find/extract the Flickr user from this URL?
While on the subject… check out this hilarious article from The Onion.
Update: Cheers Tom & Bibi, here’s the original, looks like it’s by stereomind.
Hi Haydee,
The onion cutting was done by this guy, Andre Baumecker:
Website: http://www.andrebaumecker.com/
Photo on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dedex/3015478277/
Hello Cookie! Wow, how luck am I that I stumbled upon your blog when I was searching an “onion” photo?! I love it, so funny and very entertaining. I’m linking from my blog pronto!
Regarding the image above … I too am looking for the artist/photographer. I used it in a post on my blog and would very much like to give credit where it is due. For now it’s linked to your site. Congratulations by the way, I believe you’ve gotten engaged in the last day or two? Don’t believe I saw the “fiance” part before. Monster Munch too will be linked from my blog. You guys are tops! Take care!
Dude! I was flattered that you thought it was Rob Ryan! I love his stuff!
But seriously, why would I lie about this?
Thanks anyway!
Okay… got that one wrong. Sorry! Rob Ryan’s stuff is just very similar, that’s all.
Now I hate to be a killjoy, but I pretty sure that the above commenter didn’t make that image. It’s actually the artwork by a guy called Roy Ryan from London. You can check out his stuff at http://www.rob-ryan.blogspot.com.
My name is André and this image was made by me. I’m not english but this was made here(I’m living in london at the moment).
It’s really good to see it arround the internet. Thanks!
Now you know where to find me, but anyway, my flickr is:
if you use this:
you get this:
hope that helps!
I don’t know, but it was in my favourites and my FFFFOUND: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dedex/3015478277/