Does it get any cooler than this?

sean connery as bond, does it get any cooler than this?

I randomly stumbled across this photo of Sean Connery playing Bond on Kateoplis tumblr. I thought to myself – have I blogged about Bond before, probably not? Then I searched my site and found a random snap my mate got of Jaws & Odd Job on a night out, an amusing book on the Birds of the West Indies by a James Bond, a cardboard Aston, some inspired work, and mine and Nicky’s trek up to a Bond film location.

So I have blogged about Bond before, but you can’t have too much of a good thing eh?

3 thoughts on “Does it get any cooler than this?

  1. Pingback: Cool Bond at

  2. You forgot to mention about bond’s constant boozing and smoking, which is the best part of any bond book. He chugs about half a bottle of spirits every day.

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