Bear Proof

Each night (if we’re below tree line) we hang our food up in the trees, away from the prying claws of bears. Often it’s quite hard to find suitable trees that fit the regulation 6 foot from each tree and 8 foot from the ground. Tonight was the exception though, this set up was well bear proof (look for the coloured bags strung up in the darkness).


I‘ve never seen anything like it, obviously we’re taking the piss in this reconstruction picture, but on this night I genuinely thought we were going to die! We found a spot to camp just beyond Buffalo Pass at the usual 7pm, the mosquitos were so bad we decided to have a little snooze in the tent before dinner. We woke just as it was getting dark and made starters – hot and sour soup with beef jerky, yum yum.

Then the thunder and lightening started, all around us in every direction. For a while we sheltered amongst the trees thinking that was safer than the tent which was just on the edge of a clearing. But with lightening bolts hitting the ground every 5 seconds, a full 360 degrees around us in wasn’t long before we couldn’t watch and had to get under canvas just to try and block it out. Didn’t feel as if there was anything we could do to protect ourselves, it was just going to be a lottery whether we were hit or not. The whole tent lit up each time a lightening bolt struck, I even recorded a piece on my video camera saying I didn’t like our chances of making it through the night… All we could do was lie flat, shut our eyes and think of England. Not sure how long the storm went on for, I can remember shitting myself for several hours! Thankfully the next thing I remember was waking up in the morning, safe and sound.

Unfortunetly someone else wasn’t so lucky, just heard on the news that the storm killed someone nearby…

All by myself

Sadly my Nicky has flown back to the UK this morning :( It’s going to be hard getting used to her not being here again, it’s also going to be hard getting used to doing 20+ miles a day again! She did really well for her first ever walking holiday, even managed 16 miles on her second to last day. Never complained and was always cheery, you’ll be missed on the trail Nicky and well done you did super good!

Rocky Mountain Oysters

Not sure if I believe the waiter on this one… tasted like chicken to me! But apparently Rocky mountain oysters are bulls testicles? Had to give them a go, Nicky seems to be enjoying them at least!

Super friendly people

One of the things that has amazed me the most on this trip is the generosity of the folk we’ve met along the way. We’ve been given free rides, free beer, free steak and I shit you not this time we’ve been given free reign of this house to stay in! Paul hitched a ride down to Steamboat Springs with the daughter of the owner, her mums away at the moment, so offered us the place to crash at while we’re in town :)

Hiker to Town

The final section into Steamboat Springs is a 13 mile road walk, me and Nicky didn’t fancy it, so we hitched. Paul on the other hand is a bit more of a purest, he off loaded all his stuff on us and ran it!