
Massive water slide, big arse ramp, you think this is going to be good, but actually it’s fucking amazing. What a stunt! More info, if you can read German here »

Cheers the link Nicky.

Drinking Jumpers

Beer / Drinking Jumpers

When my brother was out for an all day session (usually our birthdays) he used to wear his “Drinking Jumper” a bizarre comfort blanket that would increase drinking capacity and protect him from vomiting all over it. To be honest I can’t say that it didn’t work, he’s the heaviest and most civilised drinker I know. He wore a tattered old Marks & Sparks affair, But this 70’s collection are proper drinking jumpers!

Take note booze related branding dudes out there – If you make us some god awful jumpers just in time for Christmas, I promise you, we will buy them by the truck load! I’ll even help you design them myself, come on these need a come back ;)

Via: Art Brut(e) | Also almost worthy of a post on it’s own – tache rape-shave reference.

Does it get any cooler than this?

sean connery as bond, does it get any cooler than this?

I randomly stumbled across this photo of Sean Connery playing Bond on Kateoplis tumblr. I thought to myself – have I blogged about Bond before, probably not? Then I searched my site and found a random snap my mate got of Jaws & Odd Job on a night out, an amusing book on the Birds of the West Indies by a James Bond, a cardboard Aston, some inspired work, and mine and Nicky’s trek up to a Bond film location.

So I have blogged about Bond before, but you can’t have too much of a good thing eh?

Seb’s Tits & Arse

seblester - Tits & Arse

I‘ve blogged about the typographic skills of Seb Lester before, but I think he deserves another post for this excursion from his usual precise clean vector lines, to this more old school tits & arse action ;)

He’s got his first solo show coming up on the 6th August (on for a month) at the Electrik Sheep Gallery in Newcastle. I’m sure his limited edition prints will be selling fast, so if you live nearby, you should go check it out.

Invoice Template


I made a new invoice template today, my Dad told me I should be putting invoice numbers on them.. so it needed updating. Anyhow if you google invoice template you get a load of garbage, thought I’d upload mine, might be of use to someone.

Basically it’s a Photoshop file, which you can download here. All the coloured shapes are just masked off flat colours so it should be pretty simple to change the colour scheme, stick a you’re own logo in etc. All the text is editable, although if you don’t want to change the fonts, you’ll need Knockout, Phaeton & Numbers Indicia.

I’ve changed a few things on my own invoice over the last few years so I thought I would update this template as it still seems to receive quite a bit of traffic. Now includes net total, a larger area for name’s and address, various other tweaks.