Philosophy of Facial Hair

picture of billy childish, he has a moustacheThis looks like an interesting talk at the ICA soon (even going to be a live barber demonstration).

“Moustaches, beards, sideburns, goatees – half the population has facial hair to trim, style or just shave off. The other half is mostly ignorant of all the historical, social and cultural intricacies related to the ownership of facial hair or simply witnesses the trends and variations in the male grooming habits.”

Speakers include Billy Childish, pictured. It’s on Tuesday 29 January 2008, 7:00 pm.

Baby Clothes Monster

moustache punk rocker monster

Client: Oh Baby | Agency: Made in England by Gentlemen

My friend Ant asked if Me & Nicky would customise some Oh Baby baby clothes in any way we saw fit (to use in their shop window), of course we jumped at the chance! We ending up making them into baby clothes monsters, above is my Victorian punk rocker. Click here to see Nicky’s Convict muppet.

Oh Baby have a shop just down the road on Brick Lane and an online store here, you should check them out, they have some really cute stuff.

Good Things Should Never End

Just gone live today is Poke’s latest site for Orange – Good Things Should Never End. It’s part of their unlimited campaign and the idea is that it’s an unlimited webpage that never ends! (Apparently Dezza informs me that you can get to the end, but it’s so bloody long that you’d be mad to try) What do you put in a webpage that never ends? Well a funny little world where things cycle, repeat and loop endlessly like the elephants above. You can also add to a never ending doodle, play with musical chickens, breed a mutant alien race, talk to robots, make ice-cream, watch monkey’s breakdance, go fishing, read a moustachioed man’s mind and things of that nature.

There’s shit loads of people who worked on it in the office, but off the top of my head – Knotty & Dezza coded it, My lovely Nicky drew all the rainbows :) Rex drew and animated all the characters (quite a few of which sport moustaches) and many many more…

Tacheback 2007

Cock and balls with a donate sign hanging from it

For the month of September (considerably longer for me) the Hirsute poke elite have been growing their moustaches to raise money for everyman’s testicular cancer research. We’re almost at the end of the month so have created a moustache mix & match viewer on our homepage, click here see how they’re coming along.

There’s a link on there to our sponsorship page if you would like to donate to this worthy cause (it might save you scrotum)

One of my favourite combos below:

Cookie and dezza moustache mashup